Wiggle those toes to reduce anxiety!

My wonderful supervisor taught me this neat little technique a while ago to quickly help lower anxiety, panic and ground us. I've used it myself and shared with many clients since. It's so simple anyone can do it! You can do this anywhere and at anytime. You can be wearing shoes, socks, slippers or bare feet, whatever is most comfy for you. Keeping your feet flat on the floor spell out your name with your big toe. Then switch to the other big toe and repeat. Do this a few times with each foot. If your name is pretty short like mine then you might want to do it for your full name! You can mix it up a bit by doing it bare feet on the carpet, in the shower, on the patio, on the lawn, wherever you are and notice the additional sensations that you experience while you are wiggling - I personally can't wait until we are...
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